& {thematic}
: tools for styling HTML from R (e.g., Shiny apps, rmarkdown::html_document()
, etc)
: simplified theming of R plots ({ggplot2}
, {lattice}
, & {base}
Not yet on CRAN (give it about a month or so)
remotes::install_github(c("rstudio/bslib", "rstudio/thematic"))
with Shinylibrary(shiny)library(bslib)ui <- fluidPage( theme = bs_theme(), ...)
, navbarPage()
, bootstrapPage()
, etc. all have this theme
You may already be using theme
with {shinythemes}
or your own custom Bootstrap CSS.
is way more powerful!library(shiny)library(bslib)ui <- fluidPage( theme = bs_theme(version = "4+3"), ...)
defaults to version = "4+3"
, which means BS4 plus added compatibility for BS3. version = 3
.library(shiny)library(bslib)# In the past, this was shinythemes::shinythemes("darkly")ui <- fluidPage( theme = bs_theme(bootswatch = "darkly"), ...)
bs_theme_preview( bs_theme(bootswatch = "darkly"))
bs_theme_preview(bs_theme( bg = "black", fg = "white", primary = "red", base_font = "Grandstander"))
bs_theme_preview(bs_theme( bg = "#202123", fg = "#B8BCC2", primary = "#EA80FC", base_font = "Grandstander"))
expectations"Just works" with:
"Just works" soon with:
, sliderInput()
, etc)rmarkdown::html_document()
, DT::datatable()
, other popular {htmlwidgets}
Can't work with things not rendered by web browser (e.g., plotOutput()
to "translate" CSS to R plots!bs_theme()
😭fluidPage( theme = bs_theme(bg = "#002B36", fg = "#EEE8D5", primary = "#2AA198", base_fonts = "Pacifico"), tabsetPanel(type = "pills", tabPanel("ggplot", plotOutput("ggplot")), tabPanel("lattice", plotOutput("lattice")), tabPanel("base", plotOutput("base"))))
to the rescue! 🎉thematic::thematic_shiny()fluidPage( theme = bs_theme(bg = "#002B36", fg = "#EEE8D5", primary = "#2AA198", base_fonts = "Pacifico"), tabsetPanel(type = "pills", tabPanel("ggplot", plotOutput("ggplot")), tabPanel("lattice", plotOutput("lattice")), tabPanel("base", plotOutput("base"))))
package, in general{thematic}
alters R plotting defaults using a few simple settings. Use thematic_on()
to enable globally (until thematic_off()
is called).library(thematic)library(ggplot2)thematic_on( bg = "black", fg = "white", accent = "red", font = "Indie Flower")ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth()
package, in general{thematic}
alters R plotting defaults using a few simple settings. Use thematic_on()
to enable globally (until thematic_off()
is called).library(thematic)library(ggplot2)thematic_on( bg = "black", fg = "white", accent = "red", font = "Indie Flower")ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth()
Since Indie Flower is a Google Font, {thematic}
installs it if needed!
-detected!library(thematic)library(ggplot2)thematic_on( bg = "auto", fg = "auto", accent = "auto", font = "auto")ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth()
-detected!library(thematic)library(ggplot2)thematic_on( bg = "auto", fg = "auto", accent = "auto", font = "auto")ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth()
works best via shiny::renderPlot()
(works with any CSS, not just bs_theme()
-detected!library(thematic)library(ggplot2)thematic_on( bg = "auto", fg = "auto", accent = "auto", font = "auto")ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth()
can work with bs_theme()
in rmarkdown::html_document()
-detected!library(thematic)library(ggplot2)thematic_on( bg = "auto", fg = "auto", accent = "auto", font = "auto")ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth()
detects your RStudio Theme inside RStudio
, back to {bslib}
BTW, {thematic}
also makes it easy to control qualitative
and sequential
# Includes `bs_themer()`, an interactive widget for real-time theming!bs_theme_preview(bs_theme(bg = "#202123", fg = "#B8BCC2", primary = "#EA80FC", base_font = "Grandstander"))
)bs_theme( bg = "#002B36", fg = "#EEE8D5", "progress-bar-bg" = "orange")
Beware, Sass variables can be quite different across versions
sets Bootstrap Sass variables (CSS compilation happens magically at run-time) Learn more about Sass and the {sass}
📦 at https://rstudio.github.io/sass
Customize spacing, borders, modify colors, and more!
tabsetPanel( tabPanel("One", "No padding"), tabPanel("Two", "No padding"))
tabsetPanel( tabPanel( "One", "With padding", class = "p-3 border border-top-0 rounded-bottom" ), tabPanel("Two", "No padding"))
See more examples at https://rstudio.github.io/bslib/articles/recipes.html
Add Sass rules to do things like @extend
all navs to be centered
fluidPage( theme = bs_theme() %>% bs_add_rules(".nav { @extend .justify-content-center; }"), tabsetPanel( tabPanel("One", "Centered w/ padding", class = "p-3 border border-top-0 rounded-bottom"), tabPanel("Two", "No padding") ))
See more examples at https://rstudio.github.io/bslib/articles/recipes.html
person <- function(name, title, company) { div( class = "person", h3(class = "name", name), div(class = "title", title), div(class = "company", company) )}fluidPage( person("Andrew Carnegie", "Owner", "Carnegie Steel Company"), person("John D. Rockefeller", "Chairman", "Standard Oil"), theme = bs_theme(bg = "#002B36", fg = "#EEE8D5") %>% bs_add_rules(sass::sass_file("person.scss")))
.person { display: inline-block; padding: $spacer; border: $border-width solid $border-color; @include border-radius; @include box-shadow; outline: 0; width: 300px; @include media-breakpoint-down(sm) { display: block; width: auto; margin-right: $grid-gutter-width; } margin: $grid-gutter-width; margin-right: 0; .title { font-weight: bold; } .title, .company { color: $gray-600; }}.person:last-of-type { margin-right: $grid-gutter-width;}
!dark <- bs_theme(bg = "black", fg = "white")light <- bs_theme()ui <- fluidPage( theme = light, checkboxInput("dark_mode", "Dark mode", FALSE))server <- function(input, output, session) { observe(session$setCurrentTheme( if (input$dark_mode) dark else light ))}shinyApp(ui, server)
Very new and experimental (learn more)!
Pass bs_theme()
parameters to html_document()
and html_document_base()
1 (we hope to extend this to other output formats as well).
--- output: html_document: theme: bg: "#202123" fg: "#B8BCC2" primary: "#EA80FC" base_font: "Grandstander"---
Customize the bs_theme()
further with bs_global_*()
--- output: html_document: theme: bg: "#202123" fg: "#B8BCC2" primary: "#EA80FC" base_font: "Grandstander"--- ```{r, echo = FALSE}library(bslib)bs_global_add_rules(".nav { @extend .justify-content-center; }")```
Use {bslib}
to style HTML in Shiny & R Markdown.
version = 3
ing Utility Classes or creating your own Bootstrap Sass styles! Use {thematic}
for easier theming of R plots
, plotly::ggplotly()
, {lattice}
, and {base}
R graphics.{thematic}
. @cpsievert
Slides made possible thanks to {xaringan}
and {xaringanExtra}
: tools for styling HTML from R (e.g., Shiny apps, rmarkdown::html_document()
, etc)
: simplified theming of R plots ({ggplot2}
, {lattice}
, & {base}
Not yet on CRAN (give it about a month or so)
remotes::install_github(c("rstudio/bslib", "rstudio/thematic"))
Keyboard shortcuts
↑, ←, Pg Up, k | Go to previous slide |
↓, →, Pg Dn, Space, j | Go to next slide |
Home | Go to first slide |
End | Go to last slide |
Number + Return | Go to specific slide |
b / m / f | Toggle blackout / mirrored / fullscreen mode |
c | Clone slideshow |
p | Toggle presenter mode |
t | Restart the presentation timer |
?, h | Toggle this help |
Esc | Back to slideshow |